Make sure to check out the online family language home kit program.
Secwepemctsín Family Home Kits is a program focused on providing quality language learning content for families and parents of young children. There are plenty of activities and language learning resources available on the website. Keep an eye out for language events in the Chase area and in Kamloops.
On the website you will find downloadable worksheets, colouring pages and books as well as links to videos and other great resources.
Check out the website and start the program or go to download some great resources!
Family Home Kits help make learning the Secwépemc language with your family fun. Take advantage of the easy to use language learning materials and/or share them with family and friends.
Helping families raise amazing children in our beautiful Secwepemc language and culture. Call today for a tour or to talk about what our program can offer you and your family.