
What they have given us

May 30th & 31st, 2024
Indigenous Languages Conference
Chief Atahm School

The conference designed by language teachers
for language teachers

Chief Atahm School’s language conference is finally back! Come join us to learn some new strategies on how to liven up your language classrooms. Learn how the latest methods for teaching can co-exist with traditional teachings. Our conference is where teachers learn how to hone their craft and where beginners get inspired

Countdown to Conference

About the Conference Theme

Kectéls-kuc means "what they have given us"

This conference's focus all of us to honour all that we have learned from our Elders. As language teachers, we become part of the continuum of teachings that have been passed down to us. This spring, let's join together to celebrate the many gifts that have been shared with us as we take up our responsibilities of teaching the younger generations.

Conference Highlights

Conference Schedule

Day One Agenda

Check In & Light Breakfast

Check In & Light Breakfast

Please sign in in front lobby of gymnasium. A light breakfast will be served in the gym.

Opening & Keynote Speaker

Opening & Keynote Speaker

Keynote speaker TBA in the gymnasium.

Workshop Sessions #1
  • 10:15 a.m.

Workshop Sessions #1

Participants will have a wide selection of topics to choose from.

  • 12:00 p,m


Pick up your deli lunch and mingle and meet with other language enthusiasts.

Workshop Sessions #2
  • 1:00 p.m.

Workshop Sessions #2

Remember to select your afternoon workshops (form will be emailed to each participant)

Language Panel Discussions
  • 2:30 p.m.

Language Panel Discussions

Panels focusing on selected topics with leaders in the field as participants.

Day Two Agenda

Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker


Workshop Sessions
  • 10:15

Workshop Sessions

  • 11:50 a.m.


Pick up your lunch and enjoy gathering and discussing all things language!

Cultural Experiences
  • 1:00 p.m.

Cultural Experiences

Enjoy a language and cultural experience.

Conference Closing

Conference Closing

Closing song and speech and door prizes

Conference Fees

Registration Opens January 6th, 2025

Early Bird



  • Early Bird rate will be applied for completed registrations and payment received by March 31, 2025.
  • Payment by credit card or e-transfers only

Conference Fee



  • Regular conference rate applies to all registrations received after March 31st, 2025.
  • Click link to pay by credit card or e-transfer. Regular registration fee of $500 will apply to all payments by P.O. Contact Kim to enquire: (250)679-8837