About Us

Our history, vision & mission

"We have a vision of a Secwépemc speaking community living in balance with nature"

Chief Atahm School is grounded on the belief that knowledge of the language, traditional practices and beliefs of the Secwepemc will establish and maintain a healthy and balanced living environment.  Individuals will be prepared for today’s world and help to protect the earth for Tellqelmúcw, the people to come, and for all living beings.

Foundational Beliefs

In the spirit of etsxe (vision quest), we believe that:
  •  Everyone has a gift
  • The family, school, and community all have a responsibility to foster and develop each child’s gift
  • An individual must train to develop their potential. It is an individual responsibility to maintain the hard work and discipline necessary for growth

Our School History

In 1987, a small group of parents from the surrounding bands, Adams Lake Band, Neskonlith and Little Shuswap, worked together to start a Secwepemc immersion program for children from birth to five years old. This language nest was the first to start up in the province of B.C. and was inspired by the Maori Te Kohanga Reo initiative. The Secwepemc Ka Language Nest led to the development of Chief Atahm School in 1991.

Today, hundreds of children have been immersed in the Secwepemc language and culture and have contributed to the revival of the Secwepemc language. Chief Atahm School seeks to continually improve their program with the development of and educational framework that privileges Secwepemc knowledge, language, and culture. To honour the Secwepemc value of k̕wseltktnéws, or “we are all related”, Chief Atahm School has reached out to support other First Nations group in their quest for language survival. The school host’s an annual conference, offers language teacher training institutes, and shares teaching resources and strategies with other communities.

Our History of Commitment to Children and Language

Our curriculum based on Secwépemc values aims to

Develop skills relevant to our culture and to the 21st century:

  • K̓wseltktnéws = Interconnectness It is important to understand and foster relationships between beings and things.
  • Knucwetsút.s = Be Your Best Self Develop your individual gifts to reach your potential and in order to help your family and community.
  • Slexléxs = Critical Thinking Teaching problem-solving skills and perservering through tasks is a timeless skill all children need to succeed.
  • Mellélc = Balance Learn to balance work with rest. Engage in activities that promote health and wellness.
  • Qweqwetsín = Humble yourself to all creation Honour our connection to the spiritual world and be grateful for all that is around us.

Ts̓elcéwtqen News


We are happy to have our child learn the Secwépemc language and meet new friends. It is great that they are also learning how to prepare fish and meat and go out on the land.

from Primary Program

My child has benefited from the small class sizes and community feeling of the school. They also love to learn how to make baskets and traditional tools.

from Middle School

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